TestRunner is an application involving parsing and checking of the sample test cases of any programming contest. Project comprises of back-end Python programming and uses Sublime Text Editor as front-end UI. It allows you to run and debug your code in C++ and Java.

Salient Features

Build Options

Parse Test

Parses all the sample tests of the contest name provided in the Contest.txt file and stores it. This test will be used whenever the respective code is ran. (Note: This mode is available for Codeforces for now)

Run Code

Compiles and runs program (provided in Contest.txt), compares the output with the tests that are parsed and one which is provided in the CustomTest.txt and show the results in Console.txt. One will notice that “CustomTest” will be cleared after execution, but that doesn’t mean one have to provide that particular testcase again. Instead that testcase would have been added to program’s saved testcases list.

Debug Mode

Bugs are everywhere and hence, one needs to debug. This build option takes input from the Input.txt, runs the code and shows the output in Sublime console.

Random Test

Generates the random test by running filegen/RandomTest.cpp file which can be seen in Input.txt and then, runs the code in Debug Mode. Note that, after you make any changes to your code, you should first run it on Debug mode and then run on RandomTest mode.

You can check out DEMO of this tool here.

Special thanks to my friend Siddhraj for providing this idea!